Welcome to Current Concepts in Joint Replacement®

Proudly owned and presented by The Hip Society and The Knee Society in memory of Charles A. Engh, Sr., MD and in honor of Gerard A. Engh, MD

About CCJR®

Current Concepts in Joint Replacement® (CCJR®) is a premier educational event, and a not-to-be-missed global arthroplasty forum presented by two esteemed academic organizations The Hip Society and The Knee Society.

CCJR® offers unique learning formats and has contributed to the education of tens of thousands of orthopaedic surgeons around the world over the last three decades.

Make CCJR® your not-to-be-missed annual CME event!

We look forward to seeing you in December, in Orlando!

CCJR® 2024

December 11-14, 2024

Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress || Orlando, Florida

Register today!

Reasons to Attend CCJR®

  • Collaborate and engage with colleagues; broaden your circle of like-minded peers who are equally passionate about the field.

  • Forge fresh partnerships with fellow surgeons for upcoming research and academic endeavors.

  • Gain insights and interact with our influential faculty comprising national and international experts in joint replacement.

  • Absorb knowledge from prominent leaders in arthroplasty.

  • Explore cutting-edge innovative techniques to enhance patient care.

  • Stay informed about the latest advances in adult hip and knee replacement and make optimal for you and your patients.

  • Observe intricate surgical procedures and glean valuable tips and tricks to refine your surgical skills.

  • Participate in intimate group discussions to receive expert insights on your own cases from our faculty.

“An excellent program format and faculty. Should be a requirement for any active joint surgeon.” - a CCJR® 2023 attendee



CCJR® 2023 Rewind (Recorded Content)

The Learning SHAK is an online educational platform of The Hip Society and The Knee Society. Click on the button below to access the entire recorded content of CCJR® 2023, and more!